Service Quality Factors Impact on Customer Satisfaction: Research at Loc Lam Furniture Trading Service Co. Ltd




Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Wooden furniture


This study was conducted with the aim of improving customer satisfaction on service quality in the field of wooden furniture products. With qualitative research methods including in-depth interviews and expert group discussions, a combination of quantitative research methods including the first survey (pilot test) with 50 samples, the second survey (formal) with 306 samples to explore the relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction. Research results have shown the level of impact of independent factors of service quality on the dependent factor is satisfaction. Accordingly, the attitudinal factor has the strongest impact, followed by design, experience, tangibles, and the lowest is technology. The research results are a guideline for wood furniture companies to have a basis to choose appropriate solutions in operation, in order to improve customer satisfaction through service quality of the business. This study contributes to the expansion of the theory of service quality in the wood furniture industry.


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