Analyzing the Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing in PT Primajasa




Social Media Marketing, Customer Engagement, Purchase Intention, Product Review


Nowadays, social media is the future of branding in marketing. Social media is used as the main tool in marketing to tell the product review to convey customer engagement. Social media in the digital area is a platform to conduct interaction and information together to accomplish business goals. PT Primajasa, the leading transportation sector in Indonesia, uses the Instagram page to integrate the companies and audiences and helps companies to see the story behind the campaign. Customers frequently make purchases on social media by highlighting the success of the business's social media performance. This study aims to determine the effect of Social Media Marketing, Product Review, and Customer Engagement on Purchase Interest in PT Primajasa's transportation services. This research is associative research and the type of data used is quantitative data. The results of this study answered the direct effect of Social Media Marketing on Customer Engagement and Purchase Intention. Indirect Social Media Marketing has more positive influences through Customer Engagement as a mediator than direct Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention.


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