The Effect of Firm Value and Financial Performance on Stock Prices in LQ45 for the 2022 Period
Company Value , Financial Performance , Return On Asset, Price Book Value (PBV) , Share PriceAbstract
In this article, the research aims to analyze the effect of firm value and financial performance on stock prices in LQ45 for the 2022 Period. The independent variables used in this study are as follows: firm value (X1) measured using PBV and financial performance (X2) measured using ROA, and the dependent variable used is stock price. The sample used in this study consisted of 45 companies in the LQ45 list in the 2022 period which were determined based on purposive sampling. In this study, the data analysis used used multiple linear regression analysis (t test and F test) processed with SPSS. Judging from the multiple linear regression model, the results of the t test (partial) state that the value of the company (PBV) has a negative and insignificant effect on stock prices, and financial performance (ROA) has a positive and significant effect on stock prices. From the day of the F test, it shows that company value (PBV) and financial performance (ROA) together have a positive and significant effect on stock prices.
(Keywords). Company value, Financial Performance, Price Book Value (PBV), Return On Asset (ROA), Share Price
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