Housewives Entrepreneurial Intention: A Review on Key Determinants and Challenges
Housewives, Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Socioeconomic, MalaysiaAbstract
Housewives, traditionally seen only in their household roles, have increasingly participated in entrepreneurial activities since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. This shift has drawn the attention of various researchers who aim to delve deeper into understanding their motivations and roles in entrepreneurship, as well as the potential impact of this transition on social well-being and economic growth. Most studies on housewives in entrepreneurship have been conducted in Indonesia, Japan, Arab, Bangladesh and Turkey with some research also emerging from Malaysia. While these studies have noble and compelling intentions, the significance and ultimate impact of housewives in entrepreneurship has yet to be fully highlighted. This review paper examines the determinants influencing housewives' entrepreneurial intentions. The paper identified that the most significant determinants are economic need, social support, technological competence, opportunity recognition and entrepreneurial passion. The paper further identified several key challenges faced by housewives in the path of venturing into entrepreneurship. To end the paper concludes with policy recommendations aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial activities among housewives, thereby contributing to broader economic growth and empowerment in Malaysia.
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