Student Performance Model: Promotion, Service, and Student Loyalty Analysis - Case Study of STIE STEKOM in Indonesia
Promotion, Service , Student Loyalty, Student PerformanceAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to explain student performance beyond its relationship with promotion and services by including relational variables, student loyalty, as moderators. The respondents are students of STIE STEKOM, with samples of 125 students. The data analysis used a Partial Least Least Square approach. The findings of this study revealed promotions were statistically related to student loyalty and performance as well, while service has an effect on student loyalty but has no effect on student performance. Furthermore, student loyalty mediates the relationship between promotion and student performance, as well as the relationship between service and student performance. This study suggests service and promotion are productive things for universities in improving their performance on the global stage, making them loyal and motivating them to recommend their institutions to other parties.
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