Transforming Telecommunications Infrastructure in Malaysia: The Role of AI in Network Deployment and Optimization
Artificial Intelligence, Network Rollout, Project Management, Digital TransformationAbstract
The primary purpose of this study is to explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing the success of telecommunications network rollouts within Malaysia. Given the nation's digital ambitions, the study addresses the need for effective deployment of telecommunications infrastructure by investigating AI's role in overcoming key challenges and optimizing processes. The main objective of this study is to identify critical challenges in network deployment and explore how AI technologies can optimize these processes. This includes examining AI's applications in site selection, task automation, and predictive maintenance. Additionally, the study aims to measure the impact of AI on deployment success and develop best practices for AI integration into telecommunications infrastructure. The target audience for this study includes policymakers, telecommunications companies, and stakeholders involved in network deployment. Policymakers can use the findings to create supportive regulations, while telecommunications companies can align their strategies with AI advancements to enhance competitiveness. The findings of this study provide actionable insights and strategic recommendations for stakeholders. These include optimizing resource allocation, fostering stakeholder collaboration, and enhancing decision-making processes. By leveraging AI, stakeholders can achieve more efficient, cost-effective, and successful network rollouts, contributing to Malaysia’s digital transformation and socio-economic development. This research investigates the role of AI in overcoming existing challenges and optimizing network deployment in Malaysia. It identifies critical success factors, challenges, and opportunities associated with AI integration. The study employs a multidisciplinary approach, utilizing empirical analysis, case studies, and interviews with industry stakeholders to generate strategic recommendations. These insights are intended to facilitate the effective adoption of AI, thereby driving innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness in the Malaysian telecommunications landscape.
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