e-ISSN: 2948-4928
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Peer Review Policy
At the Malaysian Journal of Business, Economics and Management (MJBEM), we are committed to ensuring the quality and integrity of the research we publish. To that end, all manuscripts submitted to our journal undergo rigorous single-blind peer review by experts in the relevant fields.
Peer Review Process:
- All manuscripts submitted to the MJBEM are initially screened by the editors to ensure that they meet the journal’s scope and guidelines.
- Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are sent out for review to at least two experts in the relevant field.
- The reviewers are selected based on their expertise, reputation, and their absence of conflicts of interest.
- The reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on its originality, significance, methodology, and overall quality, and provide constructive feedback to the authors.
- The authors will not know the identity of the reviewers.
- The reviewers make a recommendation to the editors regarding the suitability of the manuscript for publication in the MJBEM.
- The editors then make the final decision regarding acceptance, rejection, or revision of the manuscript based on the reviewers’ recommendations and their own assessment.
- Authors are informed of the decision and provided with the reviewers’ comments, which they are expected to address in their revised manuscript.
The peer review process at the MJBEM is single-blind, which means the reviewers are anonymous.
We believe that our peer review process helps ensure the quality and integrity of the research we publish and promotes academic excellence. We thank all of our reviewers for their time and expertise, and we encourage authors to carefully consider the reviewers’ feedback in revising their manuscripts.
Further Information:
Further information on MJBEM Publication Ethics can be found here:
Special Issue Review Process:
MJBEM publishes special issues to highlight emerging topics, innovative research, and significant advancements in the fields of business, economics, and management. These special issues are curated by guest editors, with oversight from the Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board, to ensure they meet the journal’s rigorous standards. For more details on our policies regarding special issues, including editorial oversight, peer review standards, and guest editor responsibilities, please refer to our Special Issue Policy.